Sunday 14 December 2014

Competency 2.1

Competency 2.1: Describe the learning analytics data cycle.

The process of Learning Analytics is a cycle and not linear due to the fact that we need to revisit the steps according to the data and results.

While dealing with the data analytics projects, there are some fixed tasks that should be followed to get the expected output. So here we are going to build a data analytics project cycle, which will be a set of standard data-driven processes to lead data to insights effectively. The defined data analytics processes of a project life cycle should be followed by sequences for effectively achieving the goal using input datasets. This data analytics process may include identifying the data analytics problems, designing, and collecting datasets, data analytics, and data visualization.

Step 1:Collection & Acquisition
 This is the first task in the cycle to work on,it depends on your questions on data to answer. There are enormous data sources ( LMS,excel spread sheets, text files and etc) from where data is collected .

Step 2:Storage
Second step on how you will store data that you have collected . Usually it stores data in the tool where you do analysis work .

Step 3:Cleaning
Data Cleaning is a process where one need to transform the data into a format where analysis on that data takes place. It includes removing blank rows , renaming the unique column names for identifying , defining formats of the data and etc.

Step 4:Integration
Once the data is cleaned , then we tend to link diverse datasets being used . This link can be done via identifying unique records in the datasets to relate to each other .

Step 5:Analysis
Analyzing the data mean using the compiled data from Step1 through Step4 to answer your questions using tools available .

Step 6:Representation and Visualization
Analysed Data can be visualized via many sources (Like Tableau etc) . This will help clients/customers to understand easily on the trend .

Step 7:Action
Based on trends, one can take necessary steps to help improve respective course standards.

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